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User login limit on vsftpd

Posted: 2016-10-31 10:00
by chadianscot
Does anyone know if there is a limit that one user can log into vsftpd from multiple IP addresses? ie. Can I use the same username and password to login from two different machines? If so, what's the limit on the number of machines that can do so?

Re: User login limit on vsftpd

Posted: 2016-10-31 11:20
by cronoik
As far as a search engine told me, the default value allows 10 different machines (or better 10 sessions). You can modify this with MaxStartups parameter [1].


Re: User login limit on vsftpd

Posted: 2016-12-11 10:14
by gradinaruvasile
Umm, the OP asked about VSFTP:
Which is NOT SFTP (which yeah, is better than any ftp*).