Rules / Guidelines for Debian User Projects

This subsection is for Art and Media that are created with and by the Debian Operating System. All of the works here are user contributed with no commercial content allowed. Standard forum rules apply with no warranty, guarantee, or express consent by the forums.

Enjoy and use at your own level of risk.
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Rules / Guidelines for Debian User Projects

#1 Post by Aki »

The "Debian User Projects - Software" and "Debian User Projects - Media" sub-forums of the "Debian Users Forum" ( are intended to provide a space for Debian users (hereafter referred to as "applicant") who wish to share their user-driven projects with the Debian community. These can be either software and/or media projects.

The applicant must be a registered user of the Debian User Forums (

To start the application process, applicants must send a private message to the forum administrators with the subject "Request for grant to Debian User Projects - Software" or "Request for grant to Debian User Projects - Media", stating their intention, the scope and goal of the project/work (if possible from Debian's project perspective).

In addition, applicants must meet the following criteria in their statement, stating under their own responsibility (in case of false statements) that

1) the applicant is a Debian user, stating:
1.1) how long he/she's a Debian user
1.2) Debian version and hardware used using the inxi program for the development of the project:

Code: Select all

inxi -fxxz
2) the applicant is the original author of the project (if there are other authors, the applicant authors or copyright holders must declare that other co-authors agree to apply to the "Debian user project" subforum for the specific projects)

3) the project complies with
3.1) the Forum Guidelines (viewtopic.php?t=149781)
3.2) the Debian Code of Conduct (

4) the project is distributed by the applicant under Debian-compliant licences according to "Copyright information" paragraph of the latest version of "Debian Policy Manual" (
4.1) the applicant provides the list of licences (included in the repository or accompanying project material)
4.2) the source code is fully available for the project itself (and its dependent libraries, if any)

5) it's an original work by the applicant (forked projects are not considered at this stage of the initiative; they may be in the future)

6) the source code or contributed material conforms to a pre-defined measurable quality level (e.g. for source code, at least checked with a static checker according to the programming language used) to be declared by the applicant

7) the project has no commercial intent

Non-mandatory elements taken into account for evaluation (as positive added value) are:

8) a revision control system is used for development and it is publicly available

9) the project is already available as a deb package (or a software distribution using deb packages) and it is publicly available

The permission to the applicants will be granted by the administrators of the forum as an unquestionable evaluation on the basis of the application message. This permission can be revoked at any time.

The administrators of the forum will reply to the applicant by private forum's message with the result of the evaluation. In case of a positive evaluation, the applicant will be granted the privilege to be part of a dedicated user group with access to the "Debian User Projects" sub-forum.

Applicants will receive the grant to create new threads in "Debian User Projects - Software" and "Debian User Projects - Media" sub-forums, while all other forum's users (except for administrators, and sub-forum moderators) will have the grant to reply to those threads in the aforementioned sub-forums.

After access is granted, the applicants must create a new discussion about his/her project. Applicants will state their intention, scope and goal of the project/work in the first post of the new discussion (topic) in the aforementioned sub-forums, adding their statements to the criteria previously listed above.

Applicants will follow up on their projects in the same discussion (topic) unless otherwise authorised by the forum administrators or sub-forum moderators.

The works, art, software or services in these sub-forums are not endorsed in any way by the Debian Project or the Debian User Forums. The content of these sub-forums is for software, extensions and operating system enhancements, media contents created with and by the Debian operating system. All work here is user contributed with no commercial content allowed. Standard Forums rules apply, with no guarantee, warranty or express approval from this forum or Debian Project.

Enjoy and use at your own level of risk.
⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁ Debian - The universal operating system

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