So I went to Asus website and manually downloaded the proprietary drivers. After restart the card started working properly. Well the Bluetooth is still crashing, but I guess I am missing something as initially I uninstalled all Bluetooth bloat
So I get an icon for Bluetooth and when I turn it on after 2 seconds it disappears.. if I open the Bluetooth manager and turn it on, nothing happens, although my phone has turned Bluetooth on.
Even if that remains unfixed it's passable. But recently I learned that the packages held-back are not going to install some time in the future, because they are not held back for some particular timing, but they are missing some dependencies and so on. So I installed them via the
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sudo nala dist-upgrade
Code: Select all
sudo apt dist-upgrade
While using 6.7 the
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ip link
Code: Select all
sudo ip link set wlp5s0 up
So for now I use the older kernel, but is there a way to fix the issue on the new kernel by running some command or there is some compatibility problem with the proprietary drivers for example?