A basic login box was displayed, asking for username and password. No users were displayed, which is how I like it, for security purposes.
Then recently I installed the GNOME desktop environment and I think the installer asked me to select the display manager.
I think I selected 'sddm' which was probably a mistake. I think I should have selected 'lightdm'.
Now when I boot, the login greeter is different, and I want to restore the login greeter back to how I initially had it - lightdm.
Now after booting and seeing the login greeter, if I press CTRL-ALT-F1 I can see the boot log messages and I see:
Code: Select all
Started sddm.service - Simple Desktop Display Manager
Code: Select all
# /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure lightdm
After rebooting however, I still see the system appears to be starting SDDM and a list of users are displayed, allowing me to select one and enter the password.
Does anyone have any ideas how I can restore the lightdm login greeter that I had originally?
Thanks in advance.