My system stopped booting suddenly and I can't figure out the cause (have been using the system for quite some time just fine).Here's what it says during boot
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failed to start postgresql@14-main.service postgresql cluster 14-main
failed to start postgresql@15-main.service postgresql cluster 15-main
failed to start vmware.service lsd: this service starts and stops vmware services
failed to start docker.service - docker application container engine
failed to start snapd. service - snap daemon
Sometimes several of these lines appear (like 4 or 5 for docker), sometimes only postgresql@14 and not both versions (I don't remember why I installed two versions but it didn't interfere with any normal functionality).After these lines nothing happens, and I have nothing to do but to shut my ThinkpadT490 down. Now when I boot again I try to go into recovery mode in GRUB. It then asks me for my encryption password (just like during normal boot), which I successfully enter. Then some "OK" logs and then...
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[FAILED] Failed to start systemd-update-utmp.service - Record System Boot/Shutdown in UTMP
[DEPEND] Dependency failed for systemd-update-utmp.service - Record System Boot/Shutdown in UTMP
Then some more normal logs, then "Cannot open access to console, the root account is locked, please enter to continue" -> "reloading system manager configuration; starting", some normal logs, and then it's just stuck. No access to console, no choice but to shut down again. What do I do? I get that something seemingly screwed up with systemd but how and why (and why these particular services)? I was using the system normally pretty much this morning, didn't do anything potentially damaging besides some Internet browsing, and in the evening this happens. I don't think I ran any updates during last session as well. Only problematic things with my system I can think of over the last week is several days ago when I ran out of storage space during compiling (I guess swap was used and then I cleaned up a bit of unnecessary files and it seemingly didn't have any immediate effect on the system - I never ran out of space during an ongoing process that takes up gigabytes of space, though, so it was a useful experience in a sense, I guess?). Also haven't run updates in a long time and updated firefox a few days ago, but there weren't much dependencies iirc, certainly nothing related to docker, vmware, utmp and postgres. And again, it didn't affect the boot (why should it, indeed). Oh, and the last shutdown (before all these problems popped up) took longer than usual, a couple of minutes compared to the usual few seconds. Any suggestions and help would be appreciated.