Only upon reboot, all my autostarted xterm windows print a series of garbage lines before the bash prompt, and the number of garbage lines happens to equal the length of the prompt string.
I log in in text mode and startx through a .xsession file. This is X11, not wayland, and I configre two X displays as :0.0 and :0.1, each running openbox and tint2 instances. My xterm autostart from .xsession looks like
Code: Select all
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# setup xterms, supplying the proper screen offsets
xterms() {
cd $HOME
xterm -title "MISC-xterm" -ls -sb -sl 2000 -bg blue4 -fg white -fn 10x20 \
-geometry 150x40${ofs} &
xterm -title "BUFFER-xterm" -ls -sb -sl 2000 -bg DarkGreen -fg yellow2 -fn 10x20 \
-geometry 150x40${ofs} &
( # tally canvas
cd /tally
xterm -title "TALLY-xterm" -ls -sb -sl 2000 -bg darkred -fg yellow2 -fn 10x20 \
-geometry 150x40${ofs} &
For purposes of testing PS1='user@\h:\w$ ' as set in /etc/bashrc.
Any clues?