[Solved] Cannot install php7.4 on debian 11.11

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[Solved] Cannot install php7.4 on debian 11.11

#1 Post by thef75 »


I set up a raspberry 4i with Debian 11 to run jeedom software (domotic service), the Debian 12 has not yet supported.
PHP7.4 is required but I've a exception when I try to install it. When I execute

Code: Select all

sudo apt install php7.4
, several error messages are returned - see belows. Archives are not found on mirror (7.4.33-1+deb11u6). As they contain security CVE, perhaps there have been removed.

s I'm not an expert and I didn't know the other dependencies, I prefer to install it in using standard process rather than "tar.gz installation".
How can I do to fix it?

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E: Failed to fetch http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/p/php7.4/php7.4-common_7.4.33-1%2bdeb11u6_arm64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/p/php7.4/php7.4-json_7.4.33-1%2bdeb11u6_arm64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/p/php7.4/php7.4-opcache_7.4.33-1%2bdeb11u6_arm64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/p/php7.4/php7.4-readline_7.4.33-1%2bdeb11u6_arm64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/p/php7.4/php7.4-cli_7.4.33-1%2bdeb11u6_arm64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/p/php7.4/libapache2-mod-php7.4_7.4.33-1%2bdeb11u6_arm64.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Failed to fetch http://security.debian.org/debian-security/pool/updates/main/p/php7.4/php7.4_7.4.33-1%2bdeb11u6_all.deb  404  Not Found [IP: 80]
E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
Note: Available archives for 7.4.33-1+deb11u5 and 7.4.33-1+deb11u7 : https://packages.debian.org/source/bullseye/php7.4

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Re: Cannot install php7.4 on debian 11.11

#2 Post by arzgi »

Lazy wroten software, if it requires exactly precise version of some package.

Code: Select all

arto@dell:~$ aptitude search php7
p   libow-php7                  - Dallas 1-wire support: PHP bindings 
p   php-symfony-polyfill-php72  - Symfony polyfill backporting some PH
p   php-symfony-polyfill-php73  - Symfony polyfill backporting some PH
p   php-symfony-polyfill-php74  - Symfony polyfill backporting some PH
arto@dell:~$ aptitude search php8
p   libapache2-mod-php8.2       - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting
p   libphp8.2-embed             - HTML-embedded scripting language (Em
p   php-symfony-polyfill-php80  - Symfony polyfill backporting some PH
p   php-symfony-polyfill-php81  - Symfony polyfill backporting some PH
p   php-symfony-polyfill-php82  - Symfony polyfill backporting some PH
p   php-symfony-polyfill-php83  - Symfony polyfill backporting some PH
p   php8.2                      - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting
p   php8.2-amqp                 - AMQP extension for PHP              
p   php8.2-apcu                 - APC User Cache for PHP              
p   php8.2-ast                  - AST extension for PHP 7             
p   php8.2-bcmath               - Bcmath module for PHP               
p   php8.2-bz2                  - bzip2 module for PHP                
v   php8.2-calendar             -                                     
p   php8.2-cgi                  - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting
p   php8.2-cli                  - command-line interpreter for the PHP
p   php8.2-common               - documentation, examples and common m
v   php8.2-ctype                -                                     
p   php8.2-curl                 - CURL module for PHP                 
p   php8.2-dba                  - DBA module for PHP                  
p   php8.2-dev                  - Files for PHP8.2 module development 
v   php8.2-dom                  -                                     
p   php8.2-ds                   - PHP extension providing efficient da
p   php8.2-enchant              - Enchant module for PHP              
v   php8.2-exif                 -                                     
v   php8.2-ffi                  -                                     
v   php8.2-fileinfo             -                                     
p   php8.2-fpm                  - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting
v   php8.2-ftp                  -                                     
p   php8.2-gd                   - GD module for PHP                   
p   php8.2-gearman              - PHP wrapper to libgearman           
v   php8.2-gettext              -                                     
p   php8.2-gmagick              - Provides a wrapper to the GraphicsMa
p   php8.2-gmp                  - GMP module for PHP                  
p   php8.2-gnupg                - PHP wrapper around the gpgme library
p   php8.2-http                 - PECL HTTP module for PHP Extended HT
v   php8.2-iconv                -                                     
p   php8.2-igbinary             - igbinary PHP serializer             
p   php8.2-imagick              - Provides a wrapper to the ImageMagic
p   php8.2-imap                 - IMAP module for PHP                 
p   php8.2-interbase            - Interbase module for PHP            
p   php8.2-intl                 - Internationalisation module for PHP 
v   php8.2-json                 -                                     
p   php8.2-ldap                 - LDAP module for PHP                 
p   php8.2-libvirt-php          - libvirt bindings for PHP            
p   php8.2-mailparse            - Email message manipulation for PHP  
p   php8.2-maxminddb            - Reader for the MaxMind DB file forma
p   php8.2-mbstring             - MBSTRING module for PHP             
p   php8.2-mcrypt               - PHP bindings for the libmcrypt libra
p   php8.2-memcache             - memcache extension module for PHP   
p   php8.2-memcached            - memcached extension module for PHP, 
p   php8.2-mongodb              - MongoDB driver for PHP              
p   php8.2-msgpack              - PHP extension for interfacing with M
p   php8.2-mysql                - MySQL module for PHP                
v   php8.2-mysqli               -                                     
v   php8.2-mysqlnd              -                                     
p   php8.2-oauth                - OAuth 1.0 consumer and provider exte
p   php8.2-odbc                 - ODBC module for PHP                 
p   php8.2-opcache              - Zend OpCache module for PHP         
p   php8.2-pcov                 - Code coverage driver                
v   php8.2-pdo                  -                                     
v   php8.2-pdo-dblib            -                                     
v   php8.2-pdo-firebird         -                                     
v   php8.2-pdo-mysql            -                                     
v   php8.2-pdo-odbc             -                                     
v   php8.2-pdo-pgsql            -                                     
v   php8.2-pdo-sqlite           -                                     
p   php8.2-pgsql                - PostgreSQL module for PHP           
v   php8.2-phar                 -                                     
p   php8.2-phpdbg               - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting
p   php8.2-pinba                - Pinba module for PHP                
v   php8.2-posix                -                                     
p   php8.2-ps                   - ps module for PHP                   
p   php8.2-pspell               - pspell module for PHP               
p   php8.2-psr                  - PSR interfaces for PHP              
p   php8.2-raphf                - raphf module for PHP                
p   php8.2-readline             - readline module for PHP             
p   php8.2-redis                - PHP extension for interfacing with R
p   php8.2-rrd                  - PHP bindings to rrd tool system     
v   php8.2-shmop                -                                     
v   php8.2-simplexml            -                                     
p   php8.2-snmp                 - SNMP module for PHP                 
p   php8.2-soap                 - SOAP module for PHP                 
v   php8.2-sockets              -                                     
p   php8.2-solr                 - PHP extension for communicating with
p   php8.2-sqlite3              - SQLite3 module for PHP              
p   php8.2-ssh2                 - Bindings for the libssh2 library    
p   php8.2-stomp                - Streaming Text Oriented Messaging Pr
p   php8.2-sybase               - Sybase module for PHP               
v   php8.2-sysvmsg              -                                     
v   php8.2-sysvsem              -                                     
v   php8.2-sysvshm              -                                     
p   php8.2-tideways             - Tideways PHP Profiler Extension     
p   php8.2-tidy                 - tidy module for PHP                 
v   php8.2-tokenizer            -                                     
p   php8.2-uopz                 - UOPZ extension for PHP 7            
p   php8.2-uploadprogress       - file upload progress tracking extens
p   php8.2-uuid                 - PHP UUID extension                  
p   php8.2-xdebug               - Xdebug Module for PHP               
p   php8.2-xml                  - DOM, SimpleXML, XML, and XSL module 
v   php8.2-xmlreader            -                                     
p   php8.2-xmlrpc               - XML-RPC servers and clients function
v   php8.2-xmlwriter            -                                     
p   php8.2-xsl                  - XSL module for PHP (dummy)          
p   php8.2-yac                  - YAC (Yet Another Cache) for PHP     
p   php8.2-yaml                 - YAML-1.1 parser and emitter for PHP 
p   php8.2-zip                  - Zip module for PHP                  
p   php8.2-zmq                  - ZeroMQ messaging bindings for PHP   
arto@dell:~$ cat /etc/debian_version 
Debian 12 has php8.2. I have sometimes encountered similar situtiation, in those cases I have done softlink, say in this case php7.4 which would link to php8.2. That has in most cases worked.

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Re: Cannot install php7.4 on debian 11.11

#3 Post by thef75 »

I didn't understand why the php7.4 installation command downloads 7.4.33-1+deb11u6 and not 7.4.33-1+deb11u7!

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Re: Cannot install php7.4 on debian 11.11

#4 Post by sunrat »

If you look on the server listing - http://security.debian.org/debian-secur ... /p/php7.4/ - you see 7.4.33-1+deb11u6 is not available, only 7.4.33-1+deb11u7. Did you remember to apt update before attempting install?
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Re: Cannot install php7.4 on debian 11.11

#5 Post by thef75 »

The system date was not updated, so the

Code: Select all

apr update
returned errors. I was too quickly. The subject is closed.

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Re: Cannot install php7.4 on debian 11.11

#6 Post by Aki »

thef75 wrote: 2025-01-14 21:17 The system date was not updated, so the

Code: Select all

apr update
returned errors. I was too quickly. The subject is closed.
I'm glad you sorted it out. :)

Please, mark the discussion as "solved" manually adding the text tag "[Solved]" at the beginning of the subject of the first message (after other tags, if any).


Happy Debian ! :)

EDIT Sat Jan 25 10:07:09 CET 2025: marked as solved.
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