Default Audio volume stuck at 40%

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Default Audio volume stuck at 40%

#1 Post by dech »

This is useless with the tiny speakers on my laptop; I've spent about two hours and entered around 50 command lines using ChatGPT's advice and mostly from my recollection of events during this repetitive process it's seems that it's not in Pulse audio but somewhere in Pipewire. AI's responses are beguiling as they are confidently expressed and it's fairly easy to copy the command lines; in my experience most of which fail but then there is another confidently expressed solution etc. etc.

On the other hand asking on Forums such as this seems to be the only other option and would have been far less time consuming and almost equally productive even with no responses.

From what I can tell the Debian documentation is probably of no use unless one wants to essentially gain in depth understanding; my guess would be something like 50 hours of study to maybe then find a solution to my issue and be equipped to solve similar problems. So there are three questions implied or stated here.
Last edited by dech on 2025-02-05 10:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Default Audio volume stuck at 45%

#2 Post by arzgi »

Chat robots are not the best option to get Debian spesific info.

Debian wiki, this forum and debian irc are the most valid.

Install package inxi
Then run in terminal

Code: Select all

 inxi -Fxxxmprz 
It shows specs of your Debian installation, but hides any sensitive data.

Post the result in code tags as I did above. The fifth item in the top row which starts with B,

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Re: Default Audio volume stuck at 45%

#3 Post by sunrat »

All higher level audio servers depend on ALSA so you should also check ALSA levels. Install the alsa-utils package and check alsamixer in CLI. Or if you're scared of CLI, qasmixer does the same in GUI.
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Re: Default Audio volume stuck at 40%

#4 Post by dech »

I'm reminded why I didn't consider that any other real option to AI was likely; on the other device I've run the inxi etc. asked Google Gemini if it could work out what ....5th item ...with B might mean; it suggested it was gibberish; noticed the "Paste bin" and pasted the details; could see nothing indicating that it pasted into the current post; tried to find this post; no notifications current or past and I have little idea of what sub forum this is in as there is no indication on the page. I'm sure with AI's help and a few hours one could work out how to paste something here.

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Re: Default Audio volume stuck at 40%

#5 Post by dech »

Bing Co-Pilot came up with a verified solution involving four or five command lines; the only information I gave that ChatGPT may not have got is that I'd spent hours and input dozens of command lines to no effect. What I've got is probably a "workaround" type of solution, but it's welcome.

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Re: Default Audio volume stuck at 40%

#6 Post by FreewheelinFrank »

AI cannot tell you why your speakers are stuck at a low volume, and neither can we without knowing anything about your hardware and your system.

You can simply post the output requested as text here: it is not that long.

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Re: Default Audio volume stuck at 40%

#7 Post by Aki »

dech wrote: 2025-02-06 23:54 Bing Co-Pilot came up with a verified solution involving four or five command lines; the only information I gave that ChatGPT may not have got is that I'd spent hours and input dozens of command lines to no effect. What I've got is probably a "workaround" type of solution, but it's welcome.
Maybe you might share the "workaround" type of solution.
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