netinstall vs live cd

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netinstall vs live cd

#1 Post by jcizzo »

hey folks,

Is it possible to perform a minimal, headless install using the live cd like one can with netinstall?


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Re: netinstall vs live cd

#2 Post by pbear »

I've always assumed that's what the "standard" live ISO does, but can't recall having tested it.

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Re: netinstall vs live cd

#3 Post by None1975 »

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Re: netinstall vs live cd

#4 Post by pbear »

Well, yes, that's what I was referring to. Anyhoo, from a quick test in a VM, the answer seems to be yes-and-no. Yes, the standard ISO boots a headless live session. The Calamares installer isn't installed, though, and I'm skeptical could be made to work even if installed manually. Rather, the intention seems to be to use the installer option on the boot menu, which invokes the regular net installer.

As I recall, if one runs the net installer option on a regular live ISO (with desktop), the option to install without desktop isn't offered. Which is to say, that step is skipped and the live ISO's desktop is installed automatically.

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Re: netinstall vs live cd

#5 Post by jcizzo »

I happened to look up if anyone had created a script that would automate the install of debian 12 root on zfs installation, which has been done, however they specify the need to use a live cd.

my ultimate goal is to set up a dedicated headless plex server and i don't want any of the other 'stuff' on it (other than cockpit).

i'm a linux noob, so..


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Re: netinstall vs live cd

#6 Post by pbear »

jcizzo wrote: 2025-02-04 21:07 ... specify the need to use a live cd.
Might work, might not. The standard live ISO boots to a full shell, whereas the shell available in the regular Debian installer is very limited. Main question is whether all the packages used by the script are installed (some might have been omitted as not applicable to a no-desktop system). If I were in your shoes, I'd try it. Downloading a 1.4 GB ISO is a pretty small investment. If the script doesn't work, try something else.

Or just do the installation manually. Take good notes as you go along, so you can do it again when time comes to upgrade (Trixie should be out later this year).

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