List of your linux Apps

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List of your linux Apps

#1 Post by bester69 »

My list with the best apps I 've found:

Desktop Utilities:
- k3b --> Similar to Nero Burning (CD/DVD recording)
- Deja-dup --> Similar to Cobian Backup (Data Backups)
- Digikam plus ShowFoto--> Similar to Picassa (Album web manager)
- Gwenview--> Viewer photo manager
- Shutter (or ksnapshot) --> Similar to FastStone Capture (desktop image capture)
- Simplescreenrecorder--> Similar to Camptasia Studio (descktop recorder)
- Peazip --> Similar to 7zip (file compresor)
- Gparted--> Similar to Partition Manager ( Partition application)
- Virtualbox--> general-purpose full virtualize desktop
- Freefilesync (or Grsync) --> Simialr to SyncBack Freeware (syncroonizations folders)
- Truecrypt --> Great encrypting software ... i-on-linux
- Kshutdown --> Shutdown scheduled
- Sentinella --> Activity trigger application (cpu, ram, network, date)
- Kalarm --> Great Alarm Manager
- Baobab--> Disk Usage Analyzer
- Komparator4--> Great diff file comparator
- Krename --> Massive conditions renamer
- recoll --> Best file indexer searcher (ultra fast, find everything)
- FreePassX--> Passwords Manager

- Chromium (or firefox)--> Same as chrome (web broser)
- Opera Browser -->
- Amule--> Same as emule (p2p)
- Transmission --> Simimlar to Utorrent (P2P)
- Google earth--> Maps web
- Skype --> VOIP
- Kopete-> Similar to messenger
- MEGA and Dropbox --> Clients clouds

- Blender--> 3D
- Inkscape (also Krita)--> Similar to Corel Draw (Graphic vectorial designer)
- Gimp --> Similar to Photoshop
- Kolourpaint--> Same as Mspaint
- draftsight--> Same as to AutoCad

Audio and Video:
- Kdenlive --> Similar to Tmpgenc (Trasncoding movies)
- Handbrake --> Similar to Virtualdub (Trasncoding movies)
- Avidemux --> Similar to Virtualdub (Trasncoding movies)
- DVD Styler--> Nice and easy to use DVD Authoring
- DVD OMGRIP--> Same as DVDShrink (DVD ripping)
- DVD95 --> DVD9 to DVD5 (DVD ripping)
- Audex --> CD Sound ripping
- Acestream--> Great Media Player p2p
- VLC --> Great Media player
- MPV --> great mplayer fork
- Kodi--> Similar to windows media center (Media center)
- Nuvola Player (run Spotify) --> Nuvola Player is a runtime for web-based music streaming services
- Audacious--> Similar to foobar2000 or Winamp (best audio player)
- Clementine player--> Similar to itunes (second best audio player)
- Streamtuner2--> Great internet radio statio

- Audacity --> Great sound editor composer

- Kontact--> Similar to Outlook (Mail, contacts, calendar manager)
- RSSOWl (Or akregator)--> Best rss feed reader
- LibreOffice --> Similar to MsOffice
- Okular reader--> Best pdf reader
- Kate and gedit -- > Similar to notepad (text editor)
- Xsane--> Scan software

Others very Good
- Minitube--> Watch youtube HD movies smoothly
- Totem--> Gnome Video player
- Gnac --> Gnome Batch Audio Converter
- Brasero--> CD/DVD recording software
- WinFF --> GUI for ffmpeg encoder (Trasncoding movies)
- MKVToolNix GUI--> Matroska Tools (Trasncoding movies)
- luckybackup --> Complete and nice date backup tool (gui rsync)
- backintime --> Complete date backup tool (gui rsync)
- Ktorrent--> Client torrent very complete

Supported Linux Wine
- MediaCoder-->MediaCoder is a universal media transcoding software actively developed and maintained since 2005.

now, please post yours :wink:
Last edited by bester69 on 2015-12-29 20:07, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: List of your linux Apps

#2 Post by Randicus »

Gwenview - gpicview is pretty good
Peazip - CLI is a good tool for compressing and decompressing files.
Chromium - :shock: No thanks.
Transmission - My bit torrent client of choice.
Google earth - There are many maps on-line and in atlases (books with paper pages). So no need to tell Google what maps one is looking at.
Skype - Skype is a Linux application?
Gimp - Can do amazing things once one learns how to use it.
VLC - Very good, as are Xine and Mplayer. Kaffeine is very good, but being KDE, is bloated and slow.
LibreOffice - Yes.
Okular reader - xpdfview
Kate and gedit - Leafpad

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Re: List of your linux Apps

#3 Post by keithpeter »

OK, I'll join in...

R - command line based statistical programming environment that can be used interactively.
RStudio desktop - an IDE for R released under the Affero GPL.
gnuplot - venerable but still standard data presentation from the command line.
texlive providing TeX and LaTeX - you'll end up with these if you do maths or science
lyx - a GUI front end and macro collection for TeX/LaTeX that makes it more word-processor ish.
pandoc - John McFarlane's Swizz Army knife for document production.
Stellarium - an application for stress testing the quality of the thermal bonding of your CPU and graphics card that produces star maps as a byproduct.
puredata - a visual programming environment for sound processing and synthesis. Needs jack audio
ardour - non-destructive sound editing and mixing with automation. Needs jack audio
mpg123 - command line mp3 decoder and player. Run with -C option and press h key.

Edited to match length of the other lists.
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Re: List of your linux Apps

#4 Post by andre@home »

Mostly I try this to see whether something is there that may be useful to us.
With an additional keyword for e.g. Desktop Utilities, Graphics, Office, etc
The strong ones are often very similar in those listing, so that speeds up searching.

The last one I added was an update notifier for Mate desktop as the others seemed do not work under it. ... 3&ie=UTF-8

Then check if it has really the one you were looking for; it is often quite personal.... as some like Windows better than Debian... ;)

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Re: List of your linux Apps

#5 Post by Nili »

Still Installed on my sytem as follows:

File Manger
SpaceFM debian packgs
(utils): Multi-panel tabbed file manager - GTK2 version
ranger (debian packgs)
(utils): File manager with an ncurses frontend written in Python

Bleachbit (debian packgs)
(user) & (admin): delete unnecessary files from the system

Iceweasel debian packgs
(web): Web browser based on Firefox
w3m (debian packgs)
(web): WWW browsable pager with excellent tables/frames support

Image Viewer
FEH (debian packgs)
(graphics): imlib2 based image viewer

Video Player
mpv (debian packgs)
(video): video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2

Audio Player/Mixer
Alsa (debian packgs)
(sound): Utilities for configuring and using ALSA

Text Editor
leafpad (debian packgs)
(editors): GTK+ based simple text editor

Chat Client
WeeChat (debian packgs)
Fast, light and extensible chat client

Processes Info
Top is a Unix utility that provides a rolling display of top cpu using processes.

Package Manger
aptitude (debian packgs)
terminal-based package manager (terminal interface only)

speedtest-cli (debian packgs)
I have no flash-plugin installed! How can i check speedtest without flash? There we go...
Command line interface for testing internet bandwidth using

Window Manager (WM)
SpectrWM (debian packgs)
(x11): dynamic tiling window manager
suckless-tools (debian packgs)
(x11): simple commands for minimalistic window managers

Junk/Orphaner Cleaner
(admin): program that can find unused packages, e.g. libraries
Note: use with caution
Install "apt-get install dialog" to manage cli orphaner dialog (root only) or use cli:

Code: Select all

deborphan --guess-data

Code: Select all

deborphan --guess-all
Feed Reader
newsbeuter (debian packgs)
(net): text mode rss feed reader with podcast support

Dupe Finder
fdupes (debian packgs)
FDUPES is a program for identifying or deleting duplicate files residing within specified directories.

Startup manager
(admin): Debian Runlevel configuration tool

Theme manager
LXDE - lxappearance (debian packgs)
(utils): a new feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher

rxvt-unicode (debian packgs)
(x11): RXVT-like terminal emulator with Unicode support.
Note: it is not so lightweight, there are more lighter around, however I have chosen this one.

conky-cli (debian packgs)
Highly configurable system monitor, his is a basic package that can be useful in servers or piped with dzen2. It includes the following support: MPD, MOC, math, apcupsd, ncurses and I/O stats.

Screen Shot
scrot (debian packgs)
(graphics): command line screen capture utility

Torrent Client
µTorrent Linux (µTorrent Server 3.3 alpha build 30470)
Note: µTorrent is not an open source application.

Other Utils:
A utility to accurately report the core memory usage for a program
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Re: List of your linux Apps

#6 Post by bester69 »

Nili wrote:Installed on my Debian 8.1 as follows:
iceweasel of course

Video Player
mpv (video): video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
Im going to try this one

Torrent Client
µTorrent Server 3.3 alpha build 30470
I didnt know there was utorrent version for linux, anyway Transmission or Ktorrent works same as well, so i dont find it necessary
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Re: List of your linux Apps

#8 Post by sjukfan »

Viewnior - Simple image viewer. 1.5-1 have a bug where it don't save the setting so pin the older version.
Xpad - "Post-it" notes on your desktop.
Pinta - Gtk port of Paint.NET. Usefull for simple image editing.
PDF-Shuffler - Small pdf merger and splitter.
Atril - MATE fork of Evince without the Gnome 3 GUI.
WinFF - GUI for converting media files.
GSmartControl - GUI for smartctl.
i3lock - Simple screen locker.
AllTray - Put any program in the system tray.
htop - Fancier top.
Pidgin - Chat client
purple-facebook - Facebook protocol plugin for libpurple/Pidgin.
skypeweb - Skype protocol plugin for libpurple/Pidgin. Uses the Skype web client so you don't have to install Skype. Can't do voice, video, nor file transfer.
ansiweather - Command line weather app.
DeaDBeeF - Simple music player.
Password Safe - Password manager
apulse - PulseAudio emulation for alsa.

To take screenshots I use import from ImageMagic.
Bullseye amd64, AMD Ryzen 5 3600
Buster amd64, Intel Xeon E3-1240 v3
Sid ppc, PowerPC 7447a
Sid ppc64, PowerPC 970FX

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Re: List of your linux Apps

#9 Post by Nili »

bester69 wrote: Video Player
mpv (video): video player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
Im going to try this one
Good!!! :mrgreen:
mpv, imo ofcourse, it is ultimate Linux video player, prepare for some command line adventure. :)
Is great in default setting, but would be a beast if we tweak his config. I did very few settings myself for my preferences.

# mpv.conf

Code: Select all

geometry=50%:50%                                   # resize window in case it's larger than W%xH% of the screen
osd-level=3                                        # enable osd and display --osd-status-msg on interaction
border=no                                          # no window title bar
msg-module                                         # prepend module name to log messages
msg-color                                          # color log messages on terminal
vo=x11                                             # vo declares the video output mode as the framebuffer device
ao=alsa                                            # audio output
osc=yes                                            # disable the on screen controller (osc)
autofit-larger=100%x100%                           # don't allow a new window to have a size larger than 90% of the screen size
screenshot-format=png                              # scrot format
screenshot-png-compression=8                       # captured image compression
screenshot-png-filter=5                            # scrot filter
screenshot-template='~/pictures/scrot/%F (%P) %n'  # scrot saved destination
osd-duration=5000                                  # osd time duration
# input.conf

Code: Select all

## MPlayer-style key bindings
## Save it as ~/.config/input.conf to use it.
## Generally, it's recommended to use this as reference-only.

RIGHT seek +10
LEFT seek -10
DOWN seek -60
UP seek +60
PGUP seek 600
PGDWN seek -600
m cycle mute
SHARP cycle audio           # switch audio streams
+ add audio-delay 0.100
= add audio-delay 0.100
- add audio-delay -0.100
[ multiply speed 0.9091	# scale playback speed
] multiply speed 1.1
{ multiply speed 0.5
} multiply speed 2.0
BS set speed 1.0	# reset speed to normal
q quit
ESC quit
ENTER playlist_next force       # skip to next file
p cycle pause
. frame_step            # advance one frame and pause
SPACE cycle pause
HOME set playlist-pos 0 # not the same as MPlayer
#END pt_up_step -1
> playlist_next             # skip to next file
< playlist_prev             #         previous
#INS alt_src_step 1
#DEL alt_src_step -1
i      show_text "File: ${filename}\n|\n| Video Resolution: ${width} x ${height} (display size: ${dwidth} x ${dheight})\n| Window Scale: ${window-scale}\n| Aspect Ratio: ${video-aspect}\n|\n| Audio Bitrate: ${audio-bitrate}\n| Video Bitrate: ${video-bitrate}\n| FPS: ${estimated-vf-fps} (estimated)\n| FPS: ${fps} (container specified)\n|\n| Video Codec: ${video-codec}"
o osd
I show_text "${filename}"     # display filename in osd
P show_progress
z add sub-delay -0.1        # subtract 100 ms delay from subs
x add sub-delay +0.1        # add
9 add volume -1
/ add volume -1
0 add volume 1
* add volume 1
1 add contrast -1
2 add contrast 1
3 add brightness -1
4 add brightness 1
5 add hue -1
6 add hue 1
7 add saturation -1
8 add saturation 1
( add balance -0.1          # adjust audio balance in favor of left
) add balance +0.1          #                                  right
d      cycle_values window-scale "1.5" "2.0" "0.5" "1.0" ; show_text "Scale: ${window-scale}"
CTRL+d cycle_values video-aspect "4:3" "16:9" "16:10" "2.35:1" "-1" ; show_text "Aspect Ratio: ${?video-aspect==1.500:3:2}${?video-aspect==1.333:4:3}${?video-aspect==1.778:16:9}${?video-aspect==1.600:16:10}${?video-aspect==2.350:2.35:1 (CinemaScope)}"
D      cycle deinterlace
r add sub-pos -1            # move subtitles up
t add sub-pos +1            #                down
#? sub_step +1		# immediately display next subtitle
#? sub_step -1		#                     previous
#? add sub-scale +0.1	# increase subtitle font size
#? add sub-scale -0.1	# decrease subtitle font size
f cycle fullscreen
T cycle ontop              # toggle video window ontop of other windows
g      cycle_values vf "" "yadif" "yadif=field" ; show_text "Deinterlace: ${?=vf==:No}${?=vf==yadif:Yes (default - half rate)}${?=vf==yadif=mode=field:Yes (full rate)}"
w add panscan -0.1          # zoom out with -panscan 0 -fs
e add panscan +0.1          #      in
c cycle stream-capture             # save (and append) file/stream to stream.dump with -capture
s screenshot            # take a screenshot (if you want PNG, use "--screenshot-format=png")
S screenshot - each-frame # S will take a png screenshot of every frame

h cycle tv-channel 1
l cycle tv-channel -1
n cycle tv-norm
#b tv_step_chanlist

## Apple Remote section
## To use OSD menu with Apple Remote, set key AR_MENU to any OSD menu command,
## or just comment out the 'AR_MENU osd' line and uncomment the line after it.

AR_PLAY cycle pause
AR_NEXT seek 30
AR_NEXT_HOLD seek 120
AR_PREV seek -10
AR_PREV_HOLD seek -120
#AR_MENU menu up
#AR_MENU menu cancel
AR_MENU_HOLD cycle mute
AR_VUP add volume 1
AR_VDOWN add volume -1

## DVD and Bluray menus
## Unlike MPlayer, input doesn't require blocking normal keys when no menu
## is active. The "discnav-menu" input section is active only when a menu
## is shown, while "discnav" is always active when a DVD/Bluray is played.
## The bindings were adjusted according to this.

UP    {discnav-menu} discnav up          # DVDNav UP
DOWN  {discnav-menu} discnav down        # DVDNav DOWN
LEFT  {discnav-menu} discnav left        # DVDNav LEFT
RIGHT {discnav-menu} discnav right       # DVDNav RIGHT
ESC   {discnav} discnav menu             # DVDNav MENU
ENTER {discnav-menu} discnav select      # DVDNav SELECT (ok)
BS    {discnav-menu} discnav prev        # DVDNav PREVIOUS menu (in the order chapter->title->root)

AR_VUP    {discnav-menu} discnav up      # DVDNav UP
AR_VDOWN  {discnav-menu} discnav down    # DVDNav DOWN
AR_PREV   {discnav-menu} discnav left    # DVDNav LEFT
AR_NEXT   {discnav-menu} discnav right   # DVDNav RIGHT
AR_MENU   {discnav} discnav menu         # DVDNav MENU
AR_PLAY   {discnav-menu} discnav select  # DVDNav SELECT (ok)

#? add chapter -1      # skip to previous dvd chapter
#? add chapter +1      #         next

## Advanced seek
## Uncomment the following lines to be able to seek to n% of the media with
## the Fx keys.
#F1 seek 10 absolute-percent
#F2 seek 20 absolute-percent
#F3 seek 30 absolute-percent
#F4 seek 40 absolute-percent
#F5 seek 50 absolute-percent
#F6 seek 60 absolute-percent
#F7 seek 70 absolute-percent
#F8 seek 80 absolute-percent
#F9 seek 90 absolute-percent
I must credit author of the shortcut code above, can't remember the webpage or name, sorry :( perhaps Argon or someone else. just can't remember right now.
bester69 wrote:I didnt know there was utorrent version for linux, anyway Transmission or Ktorrent works same as well, so i dont find it necessary
I prefer uTorrent because been used very long on Win, For Linux there is a daemon uT that run on background which it is accessible via WebUI.

I have tried most Linux torrent apps, finally I have come back the old school uT. uTorrent on Linux there is no crapware installed, Just a clean web interface. But... since is a closed app, no one know what the hell are inside, so I risked anyway.

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Re: List of your linux Apps

#10 Post by stevepusser »

vo=x11 # vo declares the video output mode as the framebuffer device
Ouch! Won't that cripple it for anyone with an accelerated video driver?

The recent SMPlayers also support mpv as a backend, and you can set the output driver in its options. For my driver, I just let it pick the vo, and have

Code: Select all

The mpv version in Jessie is getting old, but there the latest 0.9.2 in the MX 15 test repo. It'll need some other backported libraries from that repo, I believe.
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Re: List of your linux Apps

#11 Post by Head_on_a_Stick »

stevepusser wrote:
vo=x11 # vo declares the video output mode as the framebuffer device
Ouch! Won't that cripple it for anyone with an accelerated video driver?

The recent SMPlayers also support mpv as a backend, and you can set the output driver in its options. For my driver, I just let it pick the vo, and have

Code: Select all

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Re: List of your linux Apps

#12 Post by Nili »

stevepusser wrote:
vo=x11 # vo declares the video output mode as the framebuffer device
Ouch! Won't that cripple it for anyone with an accelerated video driver?

The recent SMPlayers also support mpv as a backend, and you can set the output driver in its options. For my driver, I just let it pick the vo, and have

Code: Select all

The mpv version in Jessie is getting old, but there the latest 0.9.2 in the MX 15 test repo. It'll need some other backported libraries from that repo, I believe.
I have very old computer, only vo=x11 is the last savior, SMPlayer is great , used to have this gui which i liked a lot. Since my last system (debian based crunchbang) had some issue on kernel 4.0.2 (sid), i started with netinst from scratch, decided for mpv to give a try... my computer is very old, mpv suits better. I can play tons of HD video without lag or higher cpu, i even tried once a 4K video, mpv played with minimal issue and a bit of audio out of sync, bur lower to 1080p, 720p, or DVD format my desktop eats with one bite.

Rregarding current mpv (0.9.2-1+b1) version, there are lots of bugs fixed since the jessie repo (0.6.2-2), enough to read change logs from Debian packages, however i am very happy with performance on jessie. Im not going to use more testing or sid because have used for years, now i need more time relaxing :) also i don't want to use backports for apps, enough i have one for Iceweasel.

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Re: List of your linux Apps

#13 Post by stevepusser »

Also rebuilt Yarock 1.1.3 with support for mpv in addition to phonon for audio engines, and mpv is the one that works trouble free. I built it against Qt 4, since that seems to support themes better than Qt 5 on our present systems.
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Re: List of your linux Apps

#14 Post by Randicus »

I forgot to mention audio players. My favourite audio player is Aqualung. Simple with no bells and whistles, and can rip CDs. :D

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Re: List of your linux Apps

#15 Post by spacex »

As stated on my webpage, except Chromium. I'm using Chrome. And in addition to the apps listed, I have a couple of extras in my personal install. Like Tilda and Filezilla :)

I'm not going to force you to visit my page, so here is a copy of what is stated there :lol:

More information
Based on the Stable branch of Debian, Jessie (8.1)

Openbox as WM, Tint2 as panel/taskbar/pager, and LightDM as X Display Manager

Major Apps:
Terminator, Thunar, Geany, Chromium, Gimp, LXMusic, Simpleburn, Viewnior, VLC

Other Apps:
Catfish, Compton, Conky, GDebi, gFTP, Gigolo, GParted, Evince, File-Roller, Galculator, Gmrun,
Hexchat, Htop, Mate-Power-Manager, Network-Manager, Nitrogen, Synaptic, Transmission,
Xfce4-Screenshooter, Xscreensaver and much more...

Libreoffice and web-browsers are installable from the menu.


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Re: List of your linux Apps

#16 Post by bester69 »

spacex wrote:As stated on my webpage, except Chromium. I'm using Chrome. And in addition to the apps listed, I have a couple of extras in my personal install. Like Tilda and Filezilla :)

Libreoffice and web-browsers are installable from the menu.
I dont like anyone, i proved catfish, it looked good, i liked the interface but it doesnt work propertly , so i stay with recoll.
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Re: List of your linux Apps

#17 Post by bester69 »

sjukfan wrote:Viewnior - Simple image viewer. 1.5-1 have a bug where it don't save the setting so pin the older version.
To take screenshots I use import from ImageMagic.
Gwenview is much better
Tomboy seems more complete and with more continuity
I tried, and is a bad imitiaiton of Gimp, it works buggy so why use it if Gimp is much better
This is Ok :wink:
skypeweb --> I will try it when desktop application dissapear
I tried and seems good, but i found it buggy (perhaps now works great), as an alternative i'd recommend you to use Audacious + Streamtuner2
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#18 Post by stevepusser »

- Shutter (or ksnapshot) --> Similar to FastStone Capture (desktop image capture)
Shutter does have a lot of GNOME dependencies. Hotshots is Qt-based, like KDE, and will drag in a lot fewer. It's also cross-platform, like almost all Qt applications.
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Re: List of your linux Apps

#19 Post by bester69 »

I added theses ones:

- Avidemux --> Similar to Virtualdub (Trasncoding movies)
--> I love this program, i find it very mature and easy to use, and great look, i chose it as one of my favourites
- DVD Styler--> It feels Nice and easy to use DVD Authoring
- DVD OMGRIP--> Same as DVDShrink (DVD ripping)
- DVD95 --> DVD9 to DVD5 (DVD ripping)
- Audex --> CD Sound ripping

they looks and feels great, i didn't try enought to be able to give a deep valoration
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Re: List of your linux Apps

#20 Post by bester69 »

Randicus wrote:Gwenview - gpicview is pretty good
Peazip - CLI is a good tool for compressing and decompressing files.
Chromium - :shock: No thanks.
Kate and gedit - Leafpad
Chromium is the best one for linux, me not understand.. :?: :?: , Chrome also good, but i prefer open source, Chromium feels faster than iceweasel or firefox, i cant live without Chromium or chrome. :shock:
bester69 wrote:STOP 2030 globalists demons, keep the fight for humanity freedom against NWO...

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