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GPU's on KDE worse than on GNOME?

Graphical Environments, Managers, Multimedia & Desktop questions.
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Joined: 2024-04-27 16:53

GPU's on KDE worse than on GNOME?

#1 Post by luseho »

Hi all,
I recently started using debian, and it has been fun. I installed gnome to start with, but now I want to use KDE.

Now i have a laptop using a 4050, with the NVIDIA drivers installed and working.
The problem lies with the performance of games. Now that I installed KDE, just like how I did it on GNOME (just following the wiki), it seems that the performance is not the same at all.

I looked at the GPU utilization, and on GNOME it could reach 100% with over 650 fps in minecraft. Meanwhile on kde-plasma-desktop, The GPU utilization keeps being stuck at around 40% with around 110 fps.
The weird part is, is that when i lower the load the gpu util keeps rising (in this case i lowered the render distance). But when the gpu DOES hit 100% utilization, the input latency gets to around 2 seconds which is insane.
Yes, I turned off vsync and the fps limit for minecraft in both GNOME and KDE. And, both are installed on a fresh install of debian 12 with only the NVIDIA drivers, minecraft and steam installed.

I Also, i tested this when i installed kde-standard instead of kde-plasma-desktop, but the performance was just as bad.

Does anybody know why it is like this and how i can fix this? is KDE just less good for gaming (i would have no idea why because it is litterally still on debian 12)? Or should i just stick with GNOME (the lazy option)?

Update on the third of may: I now see that if i installed the nvidia driver on GNOME, there is an extra tab in nvidia server settings: it is called PowerMizer. I think it has something to do with it.
Another edit: It appears that if I use plasma X11 instead of wayland, that the missing options appears in nvidia settings. Unfortunatly, the problem of the gpu is still not fixed

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