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XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2014-02-27 00:50
by Elias4444
I've been at this for a while now, and can't seem to figure out how the icons in the "Notification Area" on the XFCE panel are set. Occasionally a theme can change them, but usually they don't. I'm big into customizing my desktop to the way I like it, and would really like to put some nice monochrome icons in the place of the nm-applet, the battery status indicator, and the mount indicator.

I'm ASSUMING, it's just an icon filename and directory under /usr/share/icons/<WHATEVER>/something/something/xxXxx/something.png but I simply have not been able to find it or any documentation that would steer me towards it.

Any help is appreciated!

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2014-02-27 05:45
by thanatos_incarnate
It usually means either that whatever icon theme you're using has not provided an icon for this particular programme,
or that (and this one is actually quite common) the programme or plug in uses a custom icon.
Unfortunately, a lot of small Xfce tray plug ins have been notorious for not sticking to generic names like
"clipboard-manager" or whatever the generic icon name for that thing might be, but rather using a custom icon
somewhere else. Mostly it's in

Code: Select all

or the programme's /usr/share directory. How can you know its directory? Well, you can always check the
contents of the programme's package with:

Code: Select all

dpkg -L package_name
In older versions, I had to replace Squeeze's icons like that. Not sure if they've fixed that by now.

EDIT: For a very smooth desktop experience, you could use Xubuntu's icon theme - it's based on Elementary and has a very Mac-like feel to it, but it's
also got one look for all icons and it's open source and freely available from the Ubuntu repos.
I'd just get the source from here and experiment.

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2014-02-27 17:39
by Elias4444
Thank you!

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-10 00:31
by i386 ibm T4x
im haveing the same problem you know this icon??? the one down thar \/ but im trying to make my debian 11 xfce4 32bit look like windows 10 but i dont know where that icon is and its not the one thats yellow thats the settings one i just need the name soooo i can change the icon :) im useing that 32 bit labtop right now to talk but hope you can find it :D

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-10 06:35
by FreewheelinFrank
i386 ibm T4x wrote: 2025-01-10 00:31 im haveing the same problem you know this icon??? the one down thar \/ but im trying to make my debian 11 xfce4 32bit look like windows 10 but i dont know where that icon is and its not the one thats yellow thats the settings one i just need the name soooo i can change the icon :) im useing that 32 bit labtop right now to talk but hope you can find it :D
This topic is old. These days you probably need to add a custom entry to the gtk3/css file.

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-11 04:58
by i386 ibm T4x
thx for telling me, im makeing a windows 10 full icon pack from the githubrs useing thars, with my bug fixing heres the img of right now.... :mrgreen: ok and you see it bottom right on my screen, thats why but im not a coder and thos on the top left i just be silly, :lol: umm pls if you find anyway without codeing tell me and il show you a pic of my screen again, :D bye.

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-11 05:15
by i386 ibm T4x
forgot to show you that the windows 10 noteifacation icons look like this :!:

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-11 05:21
by i386 ibm T4x
ummm just portend the empty one looks like the one with lines but inverted #ERROR with svg to png :)

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-12 08:05
by FreewheelinFrank
i386 ibm T4x wrote: 2025-01-11 04:58 umm pls if you find anyway without codeing tell me and il show you a pic of my screen again, :D bye.
On my computer the icons are in

They are notification-symbolic.svg and notification-new-symbolic.svg

if that helps.

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-12 15:46
by i386 ibm T4x
ok il try to use that name of your icons idk if debian will like it or it just keeps that bell icon :?:
spoler#1 min after: it did not work :( do you have Adwaita icon pack the 1st icons of debian 11 :?: or you have a difert OS oreo if you have a good CPU and mem and free space you can make a.... im not grate at spelling lets say a mini computer :D like if your computer had a baby it uses the adults CPU and mem you know what im talking about right? pls dont use AI its weird with that.

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-12 16:13
by i386 ibm T4x
for the best OS iv got debian 11 32bit ya thats right you can use 32bit on 64bit cpu but im 32bit 2.0gibs of ram and ibm thinkpad T42

Re: [SOLVED!] XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-12 16:33
by i386 ibm T4x
wait it did work i forgot my icon pack haves status and status@2 i copyd and pasted it in all of thos 2 folders heres my pic il find a way to make our icon pack and put ToZ and you in it i was getting help from ToZ to on xfce forms but you won! 8) thx so much for your time you see on the bottem right, right? it changed!

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-12 17:06
by FreewheelinFrank
You're welcome. Glad you got it working. I think the icon is better than the bell to be honest. If you are happy with the answer, please mark the topic as solved.

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-13 03:34
by i386 ibm T4x
i did it its now on github link> ... full-icons you can unzip it its a 7z file put it in /~ .icons and now you have a win10 icons i forgot about the icons of the wehther il add that edit: i added it soo its ver 6.0 put that in /~ .config/xfce4/weather/icons .

Re: XFCE and changing notification area icons

Posted: 2025-01-14 18:40
by i386 ibm T4x
im not a robot |_|

this is for the bing and etc bots