This howto is aimed at beginners, but assumes a little knowledge of GNU/Linux, but no experience of Debian should be necessary. The howto will contain useful tips for more advanced users to set up a working desktop very fast. It is also made for Debian Buster, so any other version may not work.
2. Advantages and drawbacks of Debian
There is no such thing as a perfect operating system, but Debian is pretty close.
1. Debian is the second oldest distro in existence and with many developers.
2. Debian supports all major desktop environments and window managers.
3. The software is well tested and stable, and the repositories are huge.
4. You should be able to upgrade from the current to the next stable version without any problems. That means plenty of time for productivity, and very little needed time for maintenance.
Drawbacks (may) include
1. Old and sometimes outdated software. If you *must* have the latest software at all times, Debian is not for you.
2. Depending on your political/philosophical standpoints: No non-free software by default - and it contains systemd.
But this installation will include non-free firmware in order to work for hardware that in many cases will fail with the official installation media.
3. Installing Debian
A Debian installation on incompatible hardware is a nightmare, while running it on compatible hardware is a breeze, so you may want to check it your system is compatible by running a LiveDVD from here: ... rent-live/
If you don’t want to use it for political reasons, you are of course free not to.
If everything works, I prefer to use the non-free netinstall: ... e/current/
Here is a video of an actual installation. (For any portable device, I strongly recommend selecting full disk encryption in the installer.) I also recommend KDE for new users, since it has more GUI features than any other desktop environment.
The Debian installation guide is highly recommended:
4. Post install
4.1 Packages from outside the repository:
A word of caution. Never ever install packages from distros like Ubuntu or its PPAs. Never ever install packages from Debian Testing or Debian Sid. You will probably end up breaking your install:
If you need more recent software, use backports (but keep in mind that this is not as well tested as the software in the respository):
If it is not found in backports, ask in the forum for a solution.
Snaps and Flatpaks are distro agnostic and can be used as a last resort, but are more taxing on system resources.
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# apt install snapd flatpak
Get Flatpaks here:
4.2 Font rendering:
One of the first things I do is altering the font rendering. First we’ll install liberation fonts. These are metrically identical to Microsoft fonts, so they should yield the same result.
Open the terminal, log in as root with
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$ su -
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# apt install fonts-liberation
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# apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
If you are not running KDE, you can use the following command:
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# dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig fontconfig-config
4.3 Improve your laptop’s battery life
This is very straight forward. TLP will have good default settings, so no tweaking should be necessary. If you already have laptop-mode-tools installed, TLP will conflict with it, so you must not have both installed at the same time.
Run the following command to remove laptop-mode-tools if installed and install TLP:
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# apt remove laptop-mode-tools && apt install tlp tlp-rdw
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# apt install laptop-mode-tools
Reboot when done.
4.4 Firewall
If you want a basic firewall that blocks incoming traffic while allowing outgoing traffic, one of the easiest ways to administer the Debian Netfilter firewall is by using ufw.
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# apt install ufw
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# ufw enable
# ufw default deny incoming
# ufw default allow outgoing
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# ufw status verbose
4.5 Night colours
Night colours are nice if you can’t resist using the computer at night:
For KDE:
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# apt install redshift plasma-applet-redshift-control
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# apt install redshift gnome-shell-extension-redshift
4.6 Enable DRM to watch Netflix, etc.
Open Firefox. Then Open the menu (the three black bars) --> Settings. Scroll down select the Enable DRM checkbox.
4.7 Fix non-working plasmoids in KDE
On a new installation, KDE will complain about a missing file when adding some plasmoids. To avoid it, run the following command (as root):
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# apt install qml-module-qtquick-xmllistmodel
Here are some nice tips and tricks:
If you want to really change the default look, KDE is extremely flexible. Here are some examples:
KDE can be made to look like Unity:
… like Gnome: Windows 10:
...and like Mac OS:
4.9 Adding more users
If multiple users will use the same computer, it is highly recommended to create separate user accounts.
You can add new user in KDE in Systemsettings → Manage users → Add user
It is of course also possible to create a new user account from the command line (as root):
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# adduser nameofuser
If you want to delete a user completely, just type (as root)
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# deluser --remove-home nameofuser
4.10 Install additional applications
No package manager is needed to install applications. You can easily search for and install applications using apt.
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# apt-cache search nameofpackage
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# apt install nameof package
You can also install package managers like Discover (KDE) or Synaptic, if they are not already installed.
4.11 Install Steam
Read this:
4.12 Backing up your system
Any computer user has lost data, or has not lost data *yet*. Fortunately, creating a backup is very easy.
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# apt install timeshift
4.13 Basic maintenance
Security upgrades should be installed automatically if the package unattended-upgrades are installed and configured.
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# apt install unattended-upgrades
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# dpkg-reconfigure unattended-upgrades
Other than that, these commands will keep your system updated and in good order. A word of caution: If you have uninstalled a package belonging to a larger metapackage with, say, your desktop environment, it will be marked for uninstallation with autoremove, and you'll end up with a command line interface. It is a powerful tool, so don't blindly press yes to remove whatever comes up.
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# apt update && apt upgrade
# apt autoclean && apt autoremove
You should always read the release notes for the next version before attempting a dist-upgrade: Debian Bullseye will be released some time in 2021, so be patient. ... (Bullseye)
That’s it. I hope it was useful.
Thanks to you guys below!