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raspberry pi running debian 11 has overscan issues

Posted: 2021-08-25 16:13
by clowdyallday
got that image working on my pi4b8gb with a 32 gig sdcard and installed xfce4. I don't see a /boot/config.txt like i would find in manjaro or twister or raspbian so how dow i fix overscan issues on debian 11 for my raspberry pi? Clearly adding a /boot/config.txt with the settings from raspbian won't do the job.

this looked promising but doesnt seem to have the desired effect ... ution.html

ok so i found that this actuall worked

xrandr --output HDMI-2 --panning 1280x720 --transform 1.05,0,-30,0,1.05,-20,0,0,1

and i foundhat here:

but unlike that guy i didnt magically find an overscansetting on my 720p tv that actuall fixes the problem all by itself.

now i just have to find a way to make this take effect at boot.. does xorg.conf still work as an option? also there's a lot of screen tearing when i move a window now.