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connected to wifi no internet access

Posted: 2022-01-18 05:27
by sitknight1

Wifi was working for months. My computer semi froze (most of the programs I was running were killed and my file manager was glitching out) The termimal worked fine so I rebooted my pc from there (sudo reboot). Logging in took way waaaay longer than usual (30s+ more than usual) and I couldn't access internet anymore.

Have rebooted pc a few times since debian 11.2

What have I tried:

- phone on same wifi works fine
- I rebooted my pc a couple of times
- tried to connect using mobile hotspot. Pc connects to network but still no internet
- ```ping -c 3``` gives 3 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss (same thing with mobile hotspot)

Link to log:

TLDR: internet used to work, forced reboot, can still connect to wifi but no internet. Other devices can use said wifi

Re: connected to wifi no internet access

Posted: 2022-01-18 11:04
by argentwolf
It's logical you can connect to your WAP and still not have internet, the two are not synonymous.
Have you statically assigned your PC's network connections incorrectly?
Switch your IPV4 settings on your PC to Automatic (DHCP), refresh your IP, and see if you're then allowed to pass thru your WAP.
You can't assume your phone is a good test, it also has cellular...