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[Hardware] [sid] differing network internet speeds on mesh

Posted: 2023-03-24 00:02
by milomak
i have a 1Gbps/1Gbps fibre package were the isp provided a router for the package. at the time i thought it was them tying to sell me the product, but now, i think it was merely because you actually need a 1Gbps router for the product .(i think there was probably a minimal cost to the router as i don't remember thinking they were doing bullshit)

any way to the crux of the problem. at some later point point i then got the tenda/nova mw6 mesh system. but because of my initial router thought i set it up as

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fibre --> router --> mesh
mesh setup as a bridge

another reason i kept this setup is that the router reserves specific ip address for some devices that are attached to it via ethernet cable. 

so the router and the mesh both give out wifi ips (served by the router as dhcp server).

here is the thing on my laptop.
when using an ip served by the router (let's call it wifi1)

when using an ip served by the mesh (let's call it wifi2)

i am not particularly worried about the difference in download speeds. it is the upload speeds that have caught my attention. on my phone (wifi2) i got 61.57/36.54 when on the mesh.

what could be the cause of the vast difference in upload speeds though?

Re: [Hardware] [sid] differing network internet speeds on mesh

Posted: 2023-03-24 01:27
by sunrat
Moved to Testing/Unstable subforum