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Raspberry 4, no spidev0.x in device-tree

Posted: 2023-10-26 16:52
by deprez
i installed the newest Debian Bookworm on a Raspberry 4b, i loaded spi_bcm2835 via modprobe, but no spidev0.x appears in the device-tree.
The module spidev doesn't show by lsmod|grep 'spi', because it is compiled into the kernel, not as a loadable module. lsmod only lists spi_bcm2835.
I checked spidev as builtin-module by
"cat /lib/modules/6.1.0-13-arm64/modules.builtin|grep 'spi' ", which gives me


When i look at the device-tree-blobs in Raspian (Bookworm, newest) and Debian (Bookworm stable) for arm64, the file "bcm2711-rpi-4-b.dtb" differs in size:

On Raspian it has 54531 Bytes, on Debian only 27434 Bytes.

Is my problem a device-tree issue? Any other idea to get spi to work?

Sincerely, Josquin

Re: Raspberry 4, no spidev0.x in device-tree

Posted: 2023-10-31 06:21
by moppi79
i Face the same problem on an Raspi2 (i have only a SPI Device installed for testing )

i add the spi_bcm2835 in the /etc/modules-load.d/@modules.conf

as countercheck i have add i2c what properly load on boot, the SPI do not shows any apperance