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General Debian MAIL (MUA-MTA-MDA) question on VM

Posted: 2024-10-03 07:57
by 486DX2
Hello !

I would like to know if it is necessary to install a MTA (Mail Transfert Agent) to be able to send emails from a VM ?

For example, for Zabbix to be able to send emails notifications...
For example, for JIRA ticketing to be able to send reset password email...

Does it mean that I need to use SMTP (to send) on a Debian VM ?
SMTPD or Postfix ?

First of all, I'm sorry for the obvious question, and secondly, thank you for enlightening me.


Re: General Debian MAIL (MUA-MTA-MDA) question on VM

Posted: 2024-10-04 18:20
by CwF
The package requirements are the same between a vm and bare metal.
Status as a vm is not relevant, assuming the vm has working networking.

Re: General Debian MAIL (MUA-MTA-MDA) question on VM

Posted: 2024-10-15 12:50
by 486DX2
Hello Cwf and sorry to be late!

In fact i am unable to send email from zabbix server to my gmail address using Google's SMTP Server despite recommended configuration :

SMTP server (i.e., outgoing mail server): [ (
SMTP username: Your full Gmail or G Suite email address (e.g., or example@your_domain)
SMTP password: Your Gmail or G Suite email password
SMTP port: 465
SMTP TLS/SSL required: yes

And i was wondering if if need a special email server config on zabbix server ?

THANKS to share

Re: General Debian MAIL (MUA-MTA-MDA) question on VM

Posted: 2024-10-17 03:20
by CwF
486DX2 wrote: 2024-10-15 12:50 Hello Cwf and sorry to be late!
Using the @ button above will send a notification.
I can't help with the mail server config. I just commented that a vm has no special consideration.

Re: General Debian MAIL (MUA-MTA-MDA) question on VM

Posted: 2024-10-20 15:55
by reinob
Without knowing what Zabbix does or does not in order to send (submit) e-mails, I note that GMail is not the best option for this, as it generally doesn't allow standard password authentication. (Plus using "" is definitely wrong).